Bolter reappointed to Industrial Development Authority

Ed Bolter has been reappointed to the Lee County Industry Development Authority.
The IDA is a seven-member board appointed by the Lee Board of County Commissioners and tasked with fostering industrial and business development. Through Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, the IDA provides a source of long-term, below-market-rate financing for new and expanding manufacturing facilities.
Bolter was sworn in for his reappointment Sept. 28, at the regularly scheduled IDA meeting. Current board members include Chair Robbie Roepstorff; Vice-Chair Wayne Kirkwood; Secretary David Barton; Treasurer Bolter; Assistant Secretary Gail Markham; Assistant Secretary Tom Hoolihan; and, Member Doug Gyure.
The meeting occurred at the Lee County Economic Development Office, which provides business assistance to retain existing businesses, encourage entrepreneurship and to attract new businesses. For information, visit