Mission & Editorial

Our Mission

The mission of Southwest Florida Business Today is to provide the best business-to-business "marketplace" where business owners and executives operating in southwest Florida buy and sell goods via the exchange of news-you-can-use, advertising, and information.

Here are the questions we ask ourselves about every article we write:

  • Is it about business in Southwest Florida?
  • Is it important to businesses in Southwest Florida?
  • Is it timely?
  • Is it accurate?
  • Is it the truth?

Editorial Topics

Here are the vital business topics we will be covering in every issue of Southwest Florida Business Today:

  • In-depth coverage of local news stories that most impact the southwest Florida business community.
  • Business advice on a broad range of topics and situations facing business owners and executives in southwest Florida today.
  • Updates on "What's New" with individual businesses and the people that work in the Southwest Florida business community.
  • Educational materials, tools, resources and classes available to southwest Florida business executives.
  • Legislative updates and how they impact the operation of southwest Florida business.
  • Market updates to keep business owners and executives current with changes in the economic climate of southwest Florida.


Puzzle_pieceThe missing piece is in your hands…
Southwest Florida Business Today.
Southwest Florida’s B2B Marketplace.