Lee County offers update on FEMA National Flood Insurance Program issue

Lee County received a letter and an attached document from FEMA late Monday related to the National Flood Insurance Program issue. Staff subject matter experts are currently reviewing the information.
Lee County Manager Dave Harner and city managers from impacted municipalities – Bonita Springs, Cape Coral, the Town of Fort Myers Beach and the Village of Estero – met with FEMA representatives late Monday.
The county will work with its partners at FEMA during a 30-day extension period, which was granted in the just-received letter.
In its commitment to transparency, Lee County soon will launch a landing page dedicated to this issue. Visitors to the site will be able to review publicly available documentation and other information.
The Lee Board of County Commissioners is committed to retaining the Community Rating System (CRS) rating of 5 to maintain the discount available to residents with National Flood Insurance Program policies.
An update will be provided when additional information is available.
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