Michele Peppe, with Coldwell Banker Realty in Naples, Celebrates 40 Years in Real Estate

Michele Peppe

Michele Peppe, affiliated with Coldwell Banker Realty in Naples, is celebrating 40 years in the real estate industry. Michele moved to Naples in 1978 and two years later she decided to take a Florida real estate class due to the encouragement of her mom. A year later she was passing her state exam and went to work for a real estate developer in Naples. Interest rates were nearing 20%, so she had to think “outside the box”. Many of her sales in the first few years were vacant land contracts that she put together with owner financing. Working for a new home builder gave her a lot of insight into the construction side of real estate and was a great foundation for her future in general real estate.

In 1986 Michele moved her license to the Coldwell Banker office on Fifth Avenue South. Over the years, she has attained nearly every recognition awarded to the affiliated agents at Coldwell Banker, including being a member of its most prestigious, Legends Society. Additionally, Michele is a Certified Residential Specialist, the highest moniker earned by real estate agents; only 4% of all agents nationally hold this designation. Michele believes strongly in giving back. She heads up the Coldwell Banker CARES Foundation efforts at her office, as well as being a Collier County school volunteer for 38 years and hosting blood drives regularly at the Coldwell Banker Fifth Avenue South office.

If you ask Michele what her area of expertise is, she will tell you, “it is maintaining the wonderful relationships I have made over the years.” She’s still a firm believer in the personal touch and getting a hand-written note from her is something you can always count on. She has made life-long friendships through the connections she’s made in the real estate industry.

In 1998, Michele and her co-worker Chip Harris joined forces and developed the award-winning website, NaplesRealEstate.com. That was very far reaching at the time, as theirs was one of the very first real estate websites in Southwest Florida. Michele believed the future of home searches would originate online. Today, along with Chip and her other business partner, Sam Wells, they operate one of the most successful real estate teams in the state.

After 40 years of “selling beautiful homes to wonderful people in paradise,” Michele still considers it an honor and a privilege to assist in one of the most sacred transactions most will experience in their lives.